It might be the fact that you have lost weight only recently and like to maintain it successfully. In fact, maintaining a healthy weight is essential for our overall well-being and health. While growing older, in case you go on consuming identical amounts and types of food items but do not become active, there is a high possibility for you to gain weight. The reason for this is that your metabolism might slow with age while your body composition might be different from what it was when you were younger.
The energy derived by your body from the nutrients present in the food consumed by you is referred to as calories. In case you consume more calories, it will be imperative for you to remain more active so as to maintain your weight. In fact, many things might affect your weight such as age, genetics, family habits, lifestyle, sleep, culture, and also where do you work and live. Several of these factors might make it difficult for you to shed pounds and also maintain them.
In the subsequent paragraphs, we have thrown light on some essential guidelines which will help you to keep your calories and body weight in control.
1. Develop more lean muscle
Go on building lean muscle for maintaining or even increasing your metabolism. According to the experts, muscle has a higher metabolism as compared to fat. In case you are not training with weights, make sure to include this kind of exercise in your overall program right now. Also, make it a point to increase the amount of weight with which you are working for getting better results.
2. Consume more filling food items for fighting off your hunger
In a recent study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, it was found that females who were able to consume food items that kept them feeling full were able to avoid weight gain successfully. This will be possible by eating foods which are rich in fiber, for example, lean protein, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
3. Avoid the temptation
It was also found by the same study at the University of Pittsburgh that women who were capable of resisting the temptation to consume forbidden treats were successful in controlling their weight. However, this does not imply that you have to refrain from ingesting those tempting junk food items; but you have to be choosy and also you have to limit your intake. There are several ways for avoiding your daily temptations such as planning ahead while eating out, not allowing your worst weaknesses in your residence, eating out less, and so forth.
4. Count your calorie intake
One more effective way of keeping your calories and body weight in control will be to count your calories. Make sure to take the help of a journal like My Calorie Counter for keeping a running total during the day in case it aids you in monitoring your calorie consumption. As a matter of fact, it is imperative for individuals to consume less than 1,800 calories on a daily basis in order to avoid gaining fat.
5. Plan your meals beforehand
Just like a weight-loss diet, a maintenance diet has almost identical components. Planning your meals beforehand, despite the fact that they might have more calories than what was there in your diet plan, can function as a guide for keeping you on track.
6. Try to add minutes to your exercise regimen
It has been recommended by experts to work out for a minimum of 30 minutes daily for 5 days every week. However, it will be possible to maintain your weight loss in case you perform more physical activities than what has been recommended. In a particular weight control survey, participants who walked for approximately 60 minutes on a daily basis were able to burn more calories in the long run.
7. Try to eat breakfast every day
Consuming breakfast can help you in maintaining your weight successfully. In fact, it has been found that breakfast eaters happen to be those individuals who tend to exercise more and also consume more micronutrients and fiber. In one particular study, it was revealed that 79% of approximately 3,000 individuals who maintained a weight loss of 14 kg for a minimum of one year were in the habit of taking breakfast every single day. Although consuming breakfast might help you in achieving your objective, you might likewise skip your breakfast in case you do not feel hungry in the morning since it can likewise help you in shedding pounds. The decision of eating breakfast entirely depends on you.
8. Regularly weigh yourself
Another effective way of maintaining your weight will be to weigh yourself regularly by stepping on the scale. This will make you aware of the progress made by you and will also encourage weight maintenance behaviors. Moreover, individuals who are in the habit of weighing themselves regularly also tend to eat fewer calories during the day which can be helpful when it comes to maintaining weight. In one particular study, individuals who weighed them for 6 days every week consumed fewer calories every day as compared to those who did not weigh themselves frequently. It is your personal choice regarding how frequently you should weigh yourself. While some individuals find it helpful to weigh on a regular basis, others might weigh themselves a couple of times every week.
9. Remain hydrated
Consuming an adequate amount of water will also allow you to maintain your weight. First of all, it helps to make you feel full and will also keep your intake of calories in check provided you drink one or 2 glasses of water before every meal. In one particular study, folks who drank an adequate amount of water prior to consuming a meal had a 15% reduction in the intake of calories as compared to those who did not consume water. Besides this, it has also been proved that consuming water will increase the number of calories burned by you during the day. Thus consuming water regularly will help to increase metabolism and promote fullness which will help you to successfully maintain your weight in the long run.